Picking the right kind of discharge system helps save time and money and also enhances efficiency by improving product handling. There are multiple ways to empty FIBCs, however, the most widely recognised discharge option is an outlet attached to the base of the bag. The outlet spouts are available in various forms and are modified as per the buyers necessities and to coordinate equipment, process and hygiene requirements. These are some common forms of discharge.
A flat bottom or plain base is the most economical and fastest material release base option. The bottom is slit to discharge the material from the bag.
Spout bottom FIBCs have a discharge spout on the base of the bag for emptying the material form the bag. These bags are an industry standard with the most common discharge spout dimensions being 14″ Diameter by 18″ Length. However, the outlet spouts can easily be made to any required size. Since the material can be discharged without harming the bag, these bags are great for reusing programs.
Also known as Pajama closure or star/ x-cut closure. Here, the outlet spout is inside the closure on the base of the FIBcs. This prevents the product from containing and slipping or filtering out of the bag and provides protection to the spout.
Conical bottoms help in directing and maintaining controlled discharge of material from the bags. This is made possible by tapering the bottoms of the conical bags. These bags are best when dealing with sticky material.
The fully open bottom FIBCs have an outlet spout of the same footprint as the bag. These bags are best suited for release of items that clump together or come in mass.
Like the top flap cover, the diaper bottom is a flat piece of fabric sewn on one side of the base of the bulk bag. The flap can be tied on the other side or it can be opened to discharge material form the bag. This is perfect for quick discharge of products and elimination of manually removing material.
Iris discharge bottom adds protection during transport and discharge. At the point when a fixed connection is not needed, iris valves are suggested. In this, the discharge spout of the bag is pulled through the iris valve which is then shut around the spout, restraining the flow of material. The spout would be unfastened, the access door is shut, and the valve is opened gradually, decreasing uncontrolled blasts of material into the container and preventing dust from entering the plant area.
For contamination control while discharging, spouts require some protection. These are two ways to prevent contamination:
Double drain spout - To protect the inner spout, a double spout is used.
Outlet spout + flap - The flap is the cover that is made of heavy fabric and secures the base of a jumbo bag from dampness. The flap is connected to the base of the bag with a band.